Friday, 20 July 2012

Conversation Questions

What is the most beautiful place you have been to?  How old were you when you went there?

Do you think it will look the same now?  Why?/Why not?

Who did you go with?  Would it be different if you went alone? Why?/Why not?

What is an activity that you are afraid to do?  If your friends wanted to try that activity with you, what would you do? What would you say?

Do any of your friends share your fear of that activity?

Do you like camping?  Why/why not?

Who did you go with? What did you do?

How often have you gone camping?

Do you often take medicine when you are sick?  What kind of medicine do you take?

Do you eat vitamins?  Why?/Why not?

What are some special vitamins or medicine in your home country that you can't find in Canada?  What do they do?

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Mr. Bean - Painting his house

What was your favourite part of the video?

What did Mr. Bean do to the brush?

Is this a good idea or a bad idea?  Why?

Did Mr. Bean do a good job painting his house?

Did you like the ending?  

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Conversation Questions

How often do you check your e-mail?

How often do you use facebook?

What are 4 values that your parents have taught you?

Do you think electric cars are a good idea?

Do you think most cars be electric in the future?

What colours are popular in your country?

Do you think men and women like different colors?

Are tattoos popular in your country?

Do you have any tattoos?

Do you think the smell of food is important? 

Do you think the smell of food changes the taste of it?

What is the most imporatnt sense (hearing, sight, touch, smell taste)?  Why?

What is the least imporatnt sense?

Do you remember your dreams?

What happened in the last dream you remember?

What will computers look like in the future?

What will transportation look like in the future?

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Listening exercises

Conversation Questions

Do you listen to the radio?

Do you think learning to drive is important? Why/Why not?

What is your favourite kind of dessert?

What is your least favourite kind of dessert?

Did you wear a uniform in high school?

Are school uniforms a good idea?  Why/Why not?

Who is your favourite movie/TV villain? Why?

Have you ever volunteered? 

Do you think volunteering is important?

If you could visit any year in the past, what year would you visit?

If you could visit any year in the future, what year would you visit?

Are you a forgiving person?

Are your friends forgiving people?

Monday, 16 July 2012

Mr Bean - New Years Party

What is your favourite part of the video?

How many guests does Mr. Bean have?

Does the party look fun?

What kind of snacks does Mr. Bean serve?

What do the men do when Mr. Bean is not looking?

What do the men do after they leave Mr. Bean's party?

Do you think Mr. Bean was a good host?

Do you think Mr. Bean's friends were nice?

Do you feel bad for Mr. Bean?

Conversation Questions

What is your least favourite type of music?

What is/are the most popular type/types of music in your home country?

Are you a good singer?

Are any of your friends good singers?

How often do you eat at a restaurant?

What did you do on your last birthday?

Do you think animals have dreams?

What is a very famous building in your country?  What does it look like?

Do you like old buildings or new buildings?

What are the five most important things you want in a job?

What famous person would you most want to meet?

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Listening Exercises

Conversation Questions

Do you like cooking?

What is your favourite thing to cook?

Do you like nature?  Why/Why not?

Do you like watching sports? Why/Why not?

What is your favourite way to travel?

What is your least favourite way to travel?

What is one language you want to learn? (not English)

What are three of your favourite party activities? Why?

What is your least favourite chore? Why?

What is your favourite book?

What is it about?  What is your favourite part?

If you could learn anything in 2 weeks, what would you learn?

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Mr. Bean's wedding

What is your favourite part of the video?

Who sat on Mr. Bean?

Why do you think he sat on Mr. Bean?

How did Mr. Bean get the flower?  Why did he want the flower?

Why does Mr. Bean open the present?

What is in the present?

What does Mr. Bean do when the couple kisses?

What happens at the end of the video?

What would your ideal wedding be like?

How do you celebrate weddings in your home country?

If someone who wasn't invited to your wedding came to your wedding, what would you do?

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Mr. Bean - Making a sandwich

What is your favourite part of the video?

What did Mr. Bean do to the bread?

What did Mr. Bean do to the lettuce?

What was the man next to Mr. Bean thinking?

What was Mr. Bean thinking?

Did Mr. Bean eat the sandwich? Why/Why not?

What did the man next to Mr. Bean do? Would you do the same thing?

What happened at the end?

Do you feel bad for Mr. Bean? Why/Why not?

Did Mr. Bean's sandwich look tasty?

Grandmother and messy room

New Story

Monday, 9 July 2012

Conversation Questions

Who is your favourite fictional character?  Why?

What is your favourite season in your home country?  Why?

What is your least favourite season in your home country?  Why?

What do you like to do when it is too hot?

What do you like to do when it is too cold?

How does this fictional character act?  Do you act like him/her?

What are you allergic to?

Talk about your dream house.

Do you believe in Karma?

Are you a curious person?

If you could live forever, would you?  Why/Why not?

Do you like people taking pictures of you?  Why/Why not?

Do you like taking pictures?  Why/Why not?

Do you think a lot about the past?

Do you think a lot about the future?

Friday, 6 July 2012

Conversation Questions

What kind of weather do you like the most? Why?

What kind of weather do you like the least? Why?

When was the last time you went shopping?  Who did you go with?

Do you have a hobby?

What kind of hobby do you have?  / What kind of hobby would you like to have?

Are you an artistic person?

Are you a sympathetic person?

How often do you use your cell phone?

What do you mostly use your cell phone for?

What is your favourite restaurant?

What kind of food does your favourite restaurant serve?

What are you going to do this weekend?

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Mr Bean - The Guard

What country is Mr. Bean in?

What is a guard?  What is his job?

What is the guard wearing?

What can the guard not do?

What does Mr. Bean do to the guard's face?

Where does Mr. Bean put the flowers?

What does Mr. Bean do to the guard's hat?

Why does Mr. Bean do these things to the guard?

What would you do if you were the guard?

What happened at the end of the video?

Did Mr. Bean get what he wanted?

Conversation Questions

Are you a people person?  Why?/Why not?

Are you a serious person? Why?/Why not?

Who is the most serious person you know?

Who is the least serious person you know?

What are the five most important qualities for a person to have? Why?

What are the two worst qualities someone can have? Why?

What would your ideal day be like? Have you ever had an ideal day?

What age do you think is ideal to get married?  Why?

If you could be an animal for 1 week, what animal would you be?  Why?

What animal would you least like to be?

Do you ever daydream?  What do you daydream about?/What would you daydream about?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Listening Vocab #2

These days

Serving - Sir ving

Not a big deal

Looking for more

Fashion - Fa she on

Wardrobe - War droh-b

Update my wardrobe - Up day-t ny war droh-b


A people person

Mind tricks

Being played/being tricked

Listening Vocab

Sauna - Sah Na

Massage - ma saw ge

Massaging chair - ma saw ge ing chair

Do weights - Do waits

Cardio and cardio exercise - Car dee oh and car dee oh x er sies

Aerobatics - Air o bics

Blow up - Bl oh up


Pass  the time

Shed and Shed weight - Shh ed and shh ed wait

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Conversation Questions

What is the most beautiful place you have been to?  How old were you when you went there?

Do you think it will look the same now?  Why?/Why not?

Who did you go with?  Would it be different if you went alone? Why?/Why not?

What is an activity that you are afraid to do?  If your friends wanted to try that activity with you, what would you do? What would you say?

Do any of your friends share your fear of that activity?

Do you like camping?  Why/why not? 

Who did you go with? What did you do?

How often have you gone camping?

Do you often take medicine when you are sick?  What kind of medicine do you take?

Do you eat vitamins?  Why?/Why not?

What are some special vitamins or medicine in your home country that you can't find in Canada?  What do they do?

AM Listening Exercises

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Video Conversation Questions

What would you call the haircut?  Think of a name for the haircut?

Who is your least favourite person in the video?

Did you ever get a bad haircut?  What did you do?

Are you good at cutting hair?

Do you know anyone who wears a wig? 

Do you think that wigs are a good or a bad thing?

Short Stories

Thursday's Discussion Questions

What is your favourite song?

What is your least favourite song?

Did you like your high school?  Why or why not?

Do you watch a lot of TV?  What kind of TV do you watch?

Do you watch a lot of YouTube videos?  What kind of videos do you like watching?

What time did you go to sleep last night?  Is this normal for you?

What time did you wake up this morning?  Is this normal for you?

Do you have a pet?  What kind of pet do you have? / What kind of pet would you want?

If you could only do one thing before you died, what would you do?

Have you ever not eaten for a whole day?  How did you feel? / How would you feel?

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Mr Bean Video

What did you like about the video?

What didn't you like about the video?

Have you ever waited for the bus before and it didn't pick you up?
How did you feel? / How would you have felt?

If you were the blind man or the woman with the baby would you be angry at Mr. Bean or laugh?

Have you seen Mr. Bean before? Where?

Add your own commentary to the video.  What would Mr. Bean say?  What would the other people say?

What did you like about the video?

What didn't you like about the video?

How was Mr. Bean driving the car in the video?

Is this safe or dangerous?  Why?

Would you like to drive a car this way?  Why or why not?

Was Mr. Bean scared or having fun?

What would you do if you were the police officer?

Add your own commentary to the video.  What would Mr. Bean say?  What would the police officer think?

What did you like about the video?

What didn't you like about the video?

What is Mr. Bean doing in the video?

Why was the woman scared?  What would you do if you saw Mr. Bean like that?

Monday, 25 June 2012

PM1 Conversation Questions

What are your 5 favourite foods? Why?

What are your 3 least favourite foods? Why?

Can you find your favourite foods in Canada? Do they taste the same?

Why do you want to learn English?

What kind of movies do you like? Why?

What kind of movies don’t you like? Why?

Do you drive a car?  Do you like driving? / Do you think you would like driving?

What makes you happy?

What makes you sad?

Who is your best friend / Who are your best friends? How long have you known them?

Do you like to read?

Describe your personality.

What would you do if you could fly?

Think of 3 new questions

What are your 2 favourite answers that you have heard?

Fixed Sentences Answer Key

I'm going to wake up early.
I'm not going to wake up early.

You are running.

You aren't running.

She is running.

She isn't running.

He is studying
He isn't studying.

She is studying.

She isn't studying.

She is studying

She isn't studying.

They are studying.

They aren't studying.

You aren't doing your homework.

You are doing your homework.

He doesn't do his homework.

He does do his homework.  He does his homework.  

The leaves are blowing in the wind.

The leaves aren't blowing in the wind.

We aren't going to the market.

We are going to the market.

Fred and Jake are fishing in America. 

Fred and Jake aren't fishing in America.

Today it's very rainy and snowy.

Today it's not very rainy and snowy. / Today it isn't very rainy and snowy.

The students never made mistakes.

The students always made mistakes.

Fix the sentences and write the opposites.

Fix the following sentences and write the opposites.  If there are no mistakes, only write the opposite sentence.

I are going to wake up early.

You are running.

She is running.

He am studying.

She are studying.

She is study.

They am studying.

You isn’t doing your homework.

He doesn’t do his homeworks.

The leaves am blowing in the wind.

We isn't going to the market.

Fred and Jake is fishing in America.

Today it very snowy and rainy.

The students never made mistakes.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Shipwreck Activity

Flashlight                                              Toilet Paper

Book                                                 Chocolate Cookie

Sandwich                                                 Matches 

Knife                                                           String

Comb                                                     Bowling Ball

English Dictionary                                Toothpaste

Shovel                                                Can of Coca Cola

Blanket                                              Magnifying Glass

Backpack                                           Big Water Bottle

Soccer Ball                                       Music Player                                      

June 25 PM1 Speaking and Listening

What are some of your pet peeves?

Do you know anyone with strange pet peeves?

What are some things that worry you?

What are some things that keep you calm?

Do you think that media (TV, movies, music) can be dangerous? Why or why not?

What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?

What is your definition of honesty?

When is honesty difficult?

Is there a difference between honesty and truthfulness?

Do you feel you are outgoing or shy around people? How do you usually act?

What do the popular movies in your country show about your culture? Other cultures?

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Present/Past Excercise #2

Present                                    Past






Present/Past Exercise #1

Present:                                               Past:

Be                                                   Was/Were
Become                                             Became











Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Thursday's PM 1 Conversation Questions

What are you going to do this weekend?

Who are you going to meet this weekend?

What is your dream job?

What are your 5 favourite activities?  Why?

What are your 2 least favourite activities? Why?

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Who is your favourite singer/band?

Where does your favourite singer/band live?

My favourite colour is _______

My least favourite colour is ________

I love ______

I hate _______

Think of 3 questions to ask to your partner

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tuesday's Spelling/Sound

Spelling (sound)
Especially (E-spechi-alley)
Weird (Wee-ard)

Conversation Practice

Last night I _____
Tonight I _________
Tomorrow night I _____________

What do you miss about your home country? What don’t you miss?
I miss _______
I don’t miss _____

My favourite snack is ________
My least favourite snack is _______

If you could travel anywhere, where would you travel?  How long would you go?
I would travel to ____
I would go for ______

When did you start learning English?
I started learning English ____

Do you have any brothers or sisters? How many do you have?

I have ___

Monday, 18 June 2012

Opening SMRT 110 - Unit 12

Go to
Click on "How is the weather?"

Welcome to the class

Hello everyone!
My name is Justin Bailey and I am your SMRT 110 AM class teacher.
Welcome to the class!